Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Respect - Character Training


1. To hold in esteem or honor
2. To show regard or consideration for
3. To refrain from intruding upon or interfering with
4. To relate or have reference to

In the character training that we use, it states that someone who is respectful treats others the way they like to be treated and are not selfish, sarcastic, rude, or hurt others on purpose.  (You can find the character/virtue curriculum that I use here)

Respectfulness is a character quality that needs taught as early as possible.  Without showing respect, one cannot not expect respectfulness to be shown in return, it is unfortunate, but true.  Children who are respectful are more likely to be taken seriously and given opportunities as they grow older.  Here are some more resources to help you with Respect:

Monday, April 8, 2013

Attentive - Character Training


  [uh-ten-tiv]  Show IPA
characterized by or giving attentionobservant: an attentive audience.
thoughtful of others; considerate; polite; courteous: an attentive host.

In the character training we use, it states that someone who is attentive watches and listens carefully and is not forgetful, distracted, or distracting, and they don't ignore or interrupt.  (You can find the character/virtue curriculum I use here

Attentiveness is an important character to have both as a child and an adult.  Your children need to learn to be attentive from an early age.  It is important for many reasons from the child's safety, to being a way of showing respect.  Here are some more resources to help you with attentiveness: