Sunday, July 18, 2010

Hurray! Hurray!

Our first shipment of curriculum arrived last week.  When the UPS guy delivers he just sits the package on the porch, knocks once then walks back to his truck and leaves. I was so excited when I heard that knock and looked up to see him turning away that I was out the door and on the porch thanking him before he was even 3 steps away.  I said: (about 20 notches to cheerful to be considered anything but crazy that early in the morning) "Thank you Mr. UPS-man. I hope you have a blessed day"  He must have been thinking me nuts, but smiled politely and said "Your welcome, you too."  As I bent down to pick up the package, I was surprised at how teeny tiny (exaggeration but not sarcasm) it was since it was supposed to be holding within it the entire core curriculum for my younger two children next year.  After I opened the box and started taking things out I realized that I would never again, in my lifetime, get all of those items back into that box (and shut it) again.  Excellent usage of space MFW, by the way!  Okay here let me say, "My Father's World; you are awesome, not only did I get my package within 4 days, but it was in perfect condition!"  Now, Exploring Countries & Cultures with MFW is blowing my mind with its absolute awesomeness.  (Yes, that's a word if I want it to be :P) The teacher's manual is crazy cool with everything planned out sooo well and easy to understand and the materials are all so rich and interesting and exciting, I wanna start tomorrow! Thank you ANGELA, my dear sister in Christ, sister in homeschooling and sister for realz, for showing me (on more than one occasion) the My Father's World website. I am not going to spend much more time bragging about my awesome curriculum because, well, that would just be taking up time I could be spending drooling over it! :)


Anna P said...

You will LOVE it!! We just started ECC early this month. This is our first time with anything 'MFW'. We are at the end of week 4 and I cant SAY how perfect it is for us! I am schooling a 9.5yr old, 8yr old, 6.5 yr old and a 5yr old and I have a 2 yr old toddler boy thrown in for good measure =) I look forward to hearing about your adventures!

Tina Hollenbeck said...

I LOVE this MFW cheerleading post! I am RIGHT there with you...on our ECC this year (and on Adventures last year and K this year, too). I think MFW is the "best kept secret" in the homeschool world...but it took me a while to figure that out, too! :^)

Alexis said...

This will be our 2nd year with MFW. I am also doing ECC this year. It will be fun to read and compare notes throughout the year.