Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. ~Proverbs 22:6
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Tomorrow is the day.
Tomorrow, we begin homeschooling! YAY! I am sooo excited, I can't wait. We don't have all the curriculum yet, but its on its way. In the meantime, I have some wonderful Kaplan CDs for the computer that more than fill in the gaps and reviewing is always good anyway, right? Getting ECC going will be the main focus. I have been working all weekend getting the schoolroom ready and its still not 100%.....or even 80%....but we will make due :) I LOVE My Father's World and can't wait for my oldest son's Ancient History & Literature to arrive! (The picture links to ECC by MFW if anyone who isn't familiar with it is interested in having a look)
Friday, August 20, 2010
Sorry I keep changing the look of my page on you guys, just trying to find my fav. The previous background was nice, I got it from I really like her stuff, it is very pretty. But I got some complaints about the background I chose being too difficult to read on, that was my fault, since I chose that one. I love her look and her stuff is soo beautiful, but while exploring her site, I came across a tutorial and have been making my own blog designs ever since. Thanks for the tutorial Plumrose Lane! You can check out my other background at this is my personal web-site. On another note.......

We start school on MONDAY!! :)
I am looking forward to this school year so much. I will post later about all of our curriculum choices and share all the links with you!

We start school on MONDAY!! :)
I am looking forward to this school year so much. I will post later about all of our curriculum choices and share all the links with you!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Answer to "why do I homeschool?"
I was on facebook but a moment ago and read a post by a fellow homeschooler asking "Why do YOU homeschool?" I posted my comment and scrolled on past when I felt the Holy Spirit say to me 'its all good and fine that you should explain to fellow homeschoolers for the sake of conversation, but what about all of those who know you and won't read this person's post? What of them?' So, in answer to that I want to first share with you my reply to her post:
because educating my children at home gives me the ability to customize their learning to the styles that best suit them. I can give them curriculum written by Christians and Biblically based. I can better socialize my children across the ages and diversities instead of in an environment where they are only exposed to children the exact same age as them. I can give them better more nurturing food for their Spirit and better train them for life outside of a classroom. I can better develop their character and train them up in the way they should go so that they can more successfully succeed in all their endeavors and be better prepared for where God leads them as adults. I HOMESCHOOL BECAUSE I LOVE AND CARE FOR MY CHILDREN.
Now I know to most people outside of the homeschooling realm, it may often seem strange that someone would take it upon themselves to school their children outside of the system that is already conveniently put in place for us to use. But more and more I am finding it strange that someone wouldn't. But then not everyone has been blessed with all the information that I has been available to us over the years and all the factors that were involved to lead us to be able to do this. Homeschooling is not for everyone and I understand this and I am not telling everyone to go withdraw their children from public school, I am merely sharing my point of view to perhaps give insight to the very popular question 'Why do you homeschool?' #1 reason we homeschool quite simply is because we felt God leading us to do so. simple, right. Not really :). When God leads us to do things, we are supposed to just jump right in, right? Well, we are humans and riddled with self-doubt...Can we really do this? Are we sure that is where God is leading us? ...Maybe we are misunderstanding his guidance....? Am I right? I don't know about anyone else when they are stepping out on faith but I was scared to death. This was all new territory to me and it was terrifying. But I am glad we did. I do not regret one minute of it. There are more factors involved leading up to our homeschooling and more benefits from homeschooling so many that I don't have enough time to go into them all now, but maybe this will answer a few of those questions and if you have anymore, you can suggest them for future posts. :) Thanks for reading and God bless!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Hoover*Irvin*Martin Family: Excitement!
Hoover*Irvin*Martin Family: Excitement!: "I am excited about this coming year. There are lots of changes going on. Let me share them with you..... in list format, well, because th..."
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Is this normal?
Okay, as you know from two posts ago, I had my curriculum all figured out.......wwweeelllll, I have decided that for language arts we are NOT going to stick with Writing Strands and First Language Lessons, even though they are very good; I just really like Queen homeschooling's Language Lessons and want to give it a shot. I feel like I am all over the place sometimes because I change my mind on several different occasions, but why would I keep doing something when I see something else clearly displays more promise towards teaching my child in a way that will help them learn and want to learn?
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