Sorry I keep changing the look of my page on you guys, just trying to find my fav. The previous background was nice, I got it from I really like her stuff, it is very pretty. But I got some complaints about the background I chose being too difficult to read on, that was my fault, since I chose that one. I love her look and her stuff is soo beautiful, but while exploring her site, I came across a tutorial and have been making my own blog designs ever since. Thanks for the tutorial Plumrose Lane! You can check out my other background at this is my personal web-site. On another note.......

We start school on MONDAY!! :)
I am looking forward to this school year so much. I will post later about all of our curriculum choices and share all the links with you!
Love this background, and I'm excited to start seeing your school posts. I posted a Weekly Wrap-Up today that talks about some of our learning this week. :^)
I loved your weekly wrap-up! Your school week looked so much fun, I hope mine is half as much :)
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