Thursday, August 5, 2010

Is this normal?

Okay, as you know from two posts ago, I had my curriculum all figured out.......wwweeelllll, I have decided that for language arts we are NOT going to stick with Writing Strands and First Language Lessons, even though they are very good; I just really like Queen homeschooling's Language Lessons and want to give it a shot.  I feel like I am all over the place sometimes because I change my mind on several different occasions, but why would I keep doing something when I see something else clearly displays more promise towards teaching my child in a way that will help them learn and want to learn?


Angela said...

yes it's normal. :)

what levels did you end up getting?

Tina Hollenbeck said...

I'm not one for teaching grammar in elementary, but I decided this week to give Queen a try, too! I'm going to combine it with our spelling lessons - they look short enough to be an add-on, which suits me. I'm still going to do Writing Strands. We'll see how it goes! :^)

Jennifer Hoover said...

Ang- I think I bought Elementary level 1 for them both since they recommend it for 8-12 and they will be 8-11. :) If we need to get another one, we will.
Tina- I know, it was your link on a post on THL that I used to make the purchase LOL! I hope it works for you! And me too, (I won't lie) :)

Renae said...

I waffled back and forth on our history this year. But I have learned that if something is working, don't try to change it. :P There is no perfect curriculum, but there will be something that works for your children.

Can't wait to see where the new year leads you!

Peace to you,